The Easiest Thing Is To Quit

The Easiest thing Is To Quit

No one can tell me it isn't easy to quit. I've done it several times during my life, and I bet you have as well.

There are one of two mindsets at work when someone decides to quit

The perceived challenge of life appears so difficult that the person's emotional system creates negative thinking with a dark outlook on life.

2. The second mindset is when the person says, "I'm right," and quits the relationship, the job, or their life. There is a bravado about pushing the people and circumstances away from them, including their knowledge of who they are in their hearts.

You can quit a job or a relationship and even quit your life as you know it. Each act is a choice.

I had the experience of facing life-threatening cancer.

After the surgery, which was successful, I quit.

I quit dreaming about the possibilities in my life.

I quit creating and wondering.

I gave up knowing who I was and the gift I was to the world.

I had chosen to retreat.

It was easy to quit.

That was twenty-three years ago.

Not only am I still here, I am committed and passionate about helping people going through life transition experiences find the power within them that is always available even when their flame burns low.

Today, having just celebrated my seventy-seventh birthday, I'm energized about embarking on one of my life's most exciting new projects. It is born from my vision, intention, and desire to leave this planet a better place. You will be hearing more about this soon.


Burn All The Boats


The Courage To Be You