Burn All The Boats

Burn All The Boats

No Plan "B."

No turning back.

You've decided to take action, and you are now 110%committed.


No doubt, it is scary as you move into unknown territory.

However, when you make an irrevocable decision, you change the trajectory of your life.

The feeling of being vulnerable rises to the surface, and your inner voice screams at you to turn back.

The danger signals flash red because you know there is only one way to move: toward the goal you have set.

For years my inner voice has tried to protect me. I learned to create plans for every aspect of my life, so I know what I am doing, where I am going, and how long it will take.

I've deluded myself into thinking I am hiding from the world even though, in some way, I have made contributions through my work.

This behaviour has been described to me as throwing snowballs over the fence. That's providing input to people without showing them who I am. 

The whole picture is just poppycock, a delusion I have lived with for most of my life.

I want you, dear reader, to know who I am, and I want to know who you are so we can contribute meaningfully to each other.

I'm sure you can see there are no snowballs or fence to throw them over! 

So, my latest irrevocable decision is based on the notion that we need each other more than ever.

How can we come together to learn, talk and travel the path of life together in a way that means something to each of us?

The risk in asking you to join me is that no one will come, and rejection will be the day's theme. This would be an affirmation of my old habitual inner voice.

No matter what, the cat is out of the bag, and the dice are thrown. Away I go into unknown territory.

There are times in our lives when we decide to make the impossible possible.

This is the moment I call the "Point of Power" when "we burn all the boats."

Do you hear your inner voice trying to hold you back on something you have dreamed about for a long time?

This is the journey I offer you today.

Drop me a line. I'd love to hear about when you had a "burn all the boats" experience.

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