Unfulfilled Dreams

Unfulfilled Dreams

It’s incredible to realize the adaptations I learned in my family of origin have stuck with me all these years. 

What I remember is feeling alone and in a family of strangers.

However, there was a drive inside me that said if I am going to be anything I had to get out there on my own and do it.

So I moved 2200 miles away from home. 

What I didn’t realize was that unconsciously I had taken my family experience and created a belief that my dreams would never materialize.

Here’s an example of a dream I've had for fifty years. The dream is to own a classic 1967 Austin Healey sports car. 

As a result, of my self-belief I didn’t take a step toward getting it. I let the dream languish, telling myself I would start to work on it soon. The result is obvious.

To fulfill our dreams, we need two aspects of ourselves to be active

  1. We must expand our acceptance that the dream is part of our reality. 

  2. Take action. Small steps add up to significant results.

These days I know my dreams create my reality, so I pay attention to what I dream of creating.


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