Coaching with Joshua - The Pain and The Promise
June 26, 2020
Coaching with Joshua - The Pain and The promise
“ Hey, Howard you look troubled, what’s going on?”
“Oh, it’s been a rough week since I’ve seen you last.
Everything was going so well.
I felt like I was breaking through a barrier that feels like it has been between me and my dreams forever.
Then all hell broke loose.
Some things went off the rails with clients and to top it off, there was a flood in my basement.
So, here’s my question, Joshua.
Why does my world unfold like this?
Just when I feel great and making progress, stuff happens that has me question my direction, and all the personal work I am doing.”
“You have obviously felt like this in the past.”
“Yes, it is a familiar pattern that I’ve had for years, at least it feels like that.”
“ Congratulations!
You’ve shaken up the old pattern enough to create chaos.
In the past, this has been enough to stop you and take you into self-pity.
You gave up, you quit on yourself, so you have repeated the pattern over and over.
Lucky thing you have me to coach you through this.
Here’s the secret, Howard.
So many people give up when they are closest to a breakthrough.
Why? Because they are looking for the answer and the clear path right now.
The universe delivers only what you are in resonance with in your consciousness. It cannot be otherwise.
When you undertake the healing you have and the exploration of the expansion of your consciousness and therefore your vibrational frequency, you are going to shake things up dramatically.
I can see you are on the cusp of breakthrough.
You cannot quit now. In fact, do more meditation, exercise and writing. These activities will free you from going into self-pity about what you have faced.
Remember, self-pity is a learned behaviour that I have seen in many people.
They use it as an excuse to quit.
I won't let you quit, Howard.
In times like these, you need me to guide you on this unknown path.
You are in new territory now. Explore it with self-love, excitement and intelligence and see what is revealed.
I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
Here’s what Michelangelo said,“If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.”
Okay, that’s it. Now get out of here and go for a walk or meditate. The world is waiting for your genius.”