Coaching with Garage Mouse - Reinventing Your Life

June 9, 2020

I open the door to the garage. There is the mouse coach with earphones on listening to music that has him doing a rock ’n roll dance. That quickly comes to a stop when he sees me.

“Hey, Howard, how ya doin?”

“Great, I’m sleeping well, and I love these warm sunny days.”

“Last time we met, I asked you if you knew what you wanted, and you said you did. Fill me in on that.”

“Sure, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I’m aware I have carried old patterns with me I learned growing up.

I’ve been determined for a long time to change them. I have studied and taken personal development programs to try and go in a new direction.

I have a good life. Don’t get me wrong, but as I mature, I want a life that feels more fulfilled, healthy, and fun.

So, there are four aspects I am intentional about experiencing, deepening, and expanding in my life.

I have decided to deepen and renew my relationship with my wife after being married for many years. I know we all evolve. We are never static. So, I want to see what is possible as we renew our relationship.

The second aspect of my life to focus on is my health. I had the experience of cancer some years ago, and I remember what it was like to see the possibility of my life-ending. It is important to me to have energy, right thinking, and a healthy body capable of moving and playing the way which feels good. However, I experience my ego stepping in to sabotage my efforts at proper nutrition and exercise.

The third of these is to embrace my home as a sanctuary. That means it is a special place that deserves care, refurbishing, and attention. I see renovating my home to create a warmer, more comfortable working, and living arrangement.

The fourth element is to have the financial abundance to fulfill these aspects of my life that are important to me.”

“I’m glad to hear you be so specific, Howard.

I talk to a lot of people who don’t know what they want.

They end up wandering through life, reacting to the next thing that shows up in front of them rather than deciding what kind of life they want to live.

I can help you change these aspects of your life.

It takes focus, but I hear you are willing to do that.”

“You bet I am.”

“Okay, you have accomplished the first powerful step, which is to be clear about what you want. You have it written down so you can review and embody it each day.

I will help you make your life more precise, more authentic, full, and exciting.

My purpose is to wake you up and reinvent your life with the design you choose.

Your frequency of vibration will rise over time, and you will feel the energy effervescently flowing through your body.

A key to your well-being is maintaining your awareness of how you are feeling at the moment. The more you can bring the feeling of having what you want, the more it will be pulled towards you.

You see, there is an energy in this universe that always will organize itself to help you when you are asking for and acting from the life you desire.

Then live your life with attention.

Pay attention to who and what is coming into your life.

See if these match with the life you are living. 

The more resonance you have between your activities and your desires, the faster your dreams become a reality.

You have a responsibility to act, speak, and think like the person who has embodied the life that is showing up for you.

Does this make sense to you?”

“Yea, but it is a lot to take in.”

“No worries, you’ll do fine as you focus on awareness.

Your homework this week is to:

  1. Meditate

  2. Practice the feelings of happiness, joy and fulfillment as the life you want unfolds

  3. Commit and follow through to eat well and exercise and see what happens


Great session, Howard, see you next time.”

“Hey, wait a minute. 

What the heck is your name?”


Oh, I’m Joshua. You can call me Josh.

See you later.”


Coaching with Joshua - The Performance and The Performer


What Are You Holding On To?