The Cycle Of Life

First, we are born.

Then we adapt.

Finally, we die.

We must adapt from the moment we are out of our mother's womb.

The first adaptation is survival. You won't make it if you do not take your first breath.

We adapt to the family's way of life.

We must learn values, rules, and habits to fit in and be functioning members of the family.

Then our adaptation expands to learn the rules of our community, schools, and religious organizations.

All the while, we are in adaptive survival mode living as others have taught us to live a "good life,"

If you are lucky, life experiences will smack you awake to consider another path than the one you have been on for so many years.

Mine came in my fifties when my wife said, "I love you, but I cannot live with you if you continue drinking."

The angel on your shoulder guides you to consider how you wish to live the rest of your life.

Then you realize you have a choice to continue on your adaptive path, which, at best, is a delusional story of who you are at soul. Or….

You wake up to the enormous potential within you to transform self, health, and wealth into a life of freedom.


Love & Kindness
